MPOWER Batch VIIIth starts the hunt for the next set of gen-next transport entrepreneurs

Posted on Monday, October 19, 2015

The VIIIth batch of the very innovative MPOWER is all set to train the next gen entrepreneurs pegged to change the face of the transport business in India. While they set on a task to take their ‘Papa ka business’ to the next level, the MPOWER program helps train these participants to meet today’s challenges. The VIIIth batch will start on the 21st of November and will run for 7 days.

Opportunities are flourishing in the transport space. Not only is it the lifeline of the modern economy, the recent keenness shown by the government towards road logistics and infrastructure opens up a significant spectrum of opportunities. Opportunities are bound to make the space competitive and only those who evolve and solidify their business models and strategies can survive.

With the intention to help the new-gen transport entrepreneurs to achieve it, Mahindra Truck and Bus Division along with the knowledge partner IIM Ahmedabad designed MPOWER, a holistic course aimed at professionalising the Indian trucking industry and to train these youngsters to OUTPERFORM in the Indian trucking ecosystem.

Over the last 7 MPOWER batches, we have been on the constant search for young entrepreneurs who have the fire to take their family business to new heights. The program intends to train the participants in the areas of business planning, market segmentation, HR Practices, Service Quality, financial management, supply chain management, legal, IT and other relevant aspects. The 7 day intensive program which includes field visits and external workshops leave almost no time for participants to focus on their existing business. It is expected that the participants come with prepared to disassociate themselves from their routine responsibilities.

With an engaging pedagogy, filled with case study presentations, discussions, management games, workshops and field visits, the sessions will be driven by top management faculty and guest faculties from the industry.

So if you are one those transport entrepreneurs who wants to change the way your business functions, then enroll before the 10th of November, 2015. You will find more details on the program here

PS: The event is invite-only. MTB’s holds reserves rights to admission and participation, before, during and after any stage.

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